Two Blooms

It wasn’t all too long ago when I was prepping for my first photo session with another photographer. Weeks of planning outfits, looking at the perfect date, watching the weather like a crazy woman, and making sure we picked the right time of day for my little one to be in his best mood was […]

How much to charge as a photographer This question used to haunt my dreams at night in the early days of my photography journey. Was I charging enough? Too much? Was it even relevant to what my current photography goals were? I didn’t know the answers for a long time, but when I found them, […]

YOUR BUSY SEASON IS OVER, YOU HAVE ALL OF YOUR CLIENT WORK DONE AND DELIVERED, SO YOU MIGHT BE WONDERING WHAT’S A PHOTOGRAPHER TO DO IN THE WINTER? If you are like me, a natural-light on-location outdoor photographer, the winter months can be a little chill (no pun intended). Depending on your location, you might […]

Backing up your Lightroom Presets is essential to keeping them safe. You paid good money for them, so take the extra step to keep them safe in case something happens (like your computer crashes or your data goes missing). Trust me, I have seen it LOADS of times. Computers crash every single day for one […]

let's hang out

on the 'gram
