Two Blooms

Lifestyle newborn photography is on the up and coming trends for newborn photos. And it’s no secret why. Lifestyle newborn photos capture the essence of a new baby in a unique and honest way. Moms and Dads spend countless hours, weeks, months preparing for the arrival of their precious child. The tiny onesies, swaddle blankets, […]

If you want to book more photo sessions, then you will need to market your photography business. You can have the prettiest portfolio around, but if you aren’t putting yourself out into the world in the way of marketing your photography business, then you might end up discovering that your awesome portfolio won’t get you […]

“HOW DO YOU KEEP YOUR SKIES LOOKING SO DETAILED AND COLORFUL?  MINE ARE SO BLOWN OUT!!” This is a question I am asked almost daily.  Beach photography can be quite challenging because the light is constantly changing and there is usually no open shade to work with.  So get ready to unravel the secret to […]

AS A PHOTOGRAPHER, YOU WILL EVENTUALLY NEED TO DEFINE YOUR OWN PERSONAL PHOTO EDITING STYLE. Your editing style might change or slowly shift over time, and while that is perfectly normal as a creative, it’s important to try to remain as consistent with your editing as you can for a few reasons (especially if you […]

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on the 'gram
