There are many ways you can market your business as a photographer, but the most simple (and need I say inexpensive) way is blogging!
Not only can blogging provide your followers and clients a way to keep up to date with your offerings and events, it can also open up way to them to get to know their photographer on a deeper and more meaningful level.
If you aren’t blogging now, by the end of this post you’ll be itching to start one today!
But, before you jump the gun and start your blogging adventures, there are a few basics you should know about being a blogging photographer
Setup your blogging platform
Blogging as a photographer doesn’t have to be complicated of time – consuming. Getting a blog up and running can be very simple!
For SEO (search engine optimization) and customization benefits, I recommend either using a wordpress blog or a site like Showit that uses wordpress to publish blog posts. Showit is super easy to use to create a fully customized site with included hosting too. Overall, it’s a great option for design and SEO purposes.
If you prefer the more painful, but cheaper option, pick a webhost (such as bluehost, an easy choice for beginners) and install your wordpress software through them. They have all sorts of tools to help you get started even if you don’t know anything about starting a blog!
After you get your wordpress installed, you can upload a theme that fits your brand and style. You can literally find dozens of themes for photography based blogs on Themeforest. I have used many designs through them over the years – you can’t go wrong.
But, if you want simplicity and ease, Showit wins hands down – this is what this site AND my photography site is built on.
Sign up through this link, and you’ll get an entire month for FREE!
Announce your events and promotions
Besides doing a few shout outs on social media, you can also use your blog as a powerful marketing tool to announce your promotions to a new audience.
If you are running a model call or hosting themed mini sessions, putting all this information on your blog and driving traffic from social media can land you more people on your website and increase your bookings!
By putting this information on your blog, you are also indexing this information on the web for other potential clients in your area who are searching for this information already.
Given the correct method and inputting the right information, you can start landing more organic clients from just your blog!
Use keywords to drive more organic traffic to your website
In order for your blog posts to come up in search engines, using the right keywords in your post, title, and even when naming your photos will have a tremendous impact on how it shows up online.
By using Google’s keyword planner, you can start researching the best keywords to use on your blog so you can drive new traffic to your blog posts and create a marketing tool that generates leads 24/7.
Not sure how to use keywords or which ones to use? Check out Google’s keyword planner and start researching the most relevant keywords for your area now.
Blog what you love
Blogging doesn’t have to be a meticulous mess of keywords and client sessions, but it can be an outlet for your artistic and personal needs!
You can literally blog about your favorite ice cream shops in your area, fashion tips for your clients, wall art inspiration for their homes, and even practical photography tips they can partake in with their phone cameras.
What you blog is at the sole discretion of the blogger and your brand goals, but the more you blog and the more your potential clients can get to know you online, the higher chance you will book more sessions and get noticed more online.
Blog often – consistency is key!
Now you don’t need to blog every day or even every week, but creating some kind of consistency in your blogging regime will keep your followers up to date with what’s going on with you.
Also, by keeping your blog updated, you are sending out signals to the world that business is still alive and kickin’! There’s nothing much worse than getting an email from a potential client asking if you’re still in business because you haven’t blogged in 6 months (ask me how I know).
Not only will keeping up with your blog make you look busy (even if you’re not), it will also create new opportunities to add your beloved keywords to your site and potentially book more sessions. For example, this blog post alone landed me 2 new clients that earned me over $3,000 in sales.
In short, you’ll get more traffic.
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