Two Blooms

1 model call. 2 clients. a nice cash injection in my business. I know that I share a lot of photography business tips here on the blog, but today I want to switch gears. I am going to break down EXACTLY how I was able to make more money with 2 photo sessions than I […]

Adding contrast to photos in Lightroom can be done for a few reasons. First, adding contrast can help a dull, RAW photo stand out and have more color and pop. Secondly, adding contrast to your portraits can also add depth and visual interest to your work. Who wants a lifeless photo anyway? So, adding contrast […]

WHEN YOU’RE looking for photo editing tips, it can seem like a lot to learn. Where to start, what to do, and which editing program to use are all valid concerns and questions when you first jump into photo editing. It can certainly be overwhelming to learn all these things – and you might even […]

Need TO BOOK MORE PHOTO SESSIONS? Of course you do!!! I mean, that’s why you’re here, right??? But, I’m going to let you in on a little secret real quick…. Booking more & getting more business is much more than just a hope, a wish, and posting religiously on social media. It requires a lot […]

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on the 'gram
