Two Blooms

How to dodge and burn in Lightroom: it’s easier than you might think. Dodging and burning is commonly used to create depth and contrast in photos. It’s an easy way to amplify and enhance portraits too! I first learned how to dodge and burn portraits in my high school darkroom. It involved tight quarters, a […]

Learning how to use Lightroom Presets is a time-saving skill that you will be grateful that you took the time to learn. Not only do Lightroom Presets save you time with your editing, they can help you hone a unique editing style and simplify your editing process. Plus, Lightroom presets can make your photos look […]

MINI SESSIONS CAN BE A GREAT WAY TO REACH NEW PROSPECTS, GAIN NEW CLIENTS, AND MAKE A QUICK BUCK DURING SLOW TIMES OF THE YEAR. But, what is it about mini sessions that will make them successful? First of all, you need to know the true definition of a mini session. Unlike a full session […]

Photography terms: the lingo and language of the photography and portrait world. I CAN RECALL, PRETTY VIVIDLY, MY VERY FIRST PHOTOGRAPHY CLASS IN COLLEGE. Here I was, a new and excited student ready to become confident and well-skilled in all aspects of photography. What led to to my college major was simple: I loved the creative […]

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