Two Blooms

Lightroom Sync settings. The ultimate way that changed my workflow forever. Yes, that might seem like a bit of an extreme statement. But, it’s true! If it wasn’t for the Lightroom sync feature, I wouldn’t be able to edit my photo sessions so quickly. Some as a little as 30 minutes! As a business owner, […]

Adding contrast to photos in Lightroom can be done for a few reasons. First, adding contrast can help a dull, RAW photo stand out and have more color and pop. Secondly, adding contrast to your portraits can also add depth and visual interest to your work. Who wants a lifeless photo anyway? So, adding contrast […]

How to dodge and burn in Lightroom: it’s easier than you might think. Dodging and burning is commonly used to create depth and contrast in photos. It’s an easy way to amplify and enhance portraits too! I first learned how to dodge and burn portraits in my high school darkroom. It involved tight quarters, a […]

Learning how to use Lightroom Presets is a time-saving skill that you will be grateful that you took the time to learn. Not only do Lightroom Presets save you time with your editing, they can help you hone a unique editing style and simplify your editing process. Plus, Lightroom presets can make your photos look […]

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